Saturday, July 5, 2008


Many organization are working to make a positive impact in our society, as we do. Each one of them has its own approach. we also have our unique way to make that impact....
The AIESEC Way..!!

The AIESEC Way is not only a description of the way(manner) we aim to make a positive impact on society, but also describes the way (road) we are taking to achieve what we envision.

What is AIESEC ?
AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of instituitions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issuses, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, relision, national, ethnic or social origin.

What We Envision

Peace and fulfilment of humankind's potential.

Our Impact

Our international platform enables young people to discover and develop their potential to provide leadership for a positive impact on society.

The Way We Do It

AIESEC provides its members with an integrated development experience comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships and participation in a global learning environment.
Our Values:

Activating Leadership

We lead by example and inspire leadership through actions and results. We take full responsibilty for developing the potential of other people.

Demonstrating Integrity

We are consistent and transparent in our decisions and actions. We fulfil our commitments and conduct ourselves in a way that is true to our ideals.

Living Diversity

We seek to learn from the different ways of life and opinions reprensented in our multicultural enviroment. We respect and actively encourage the contribution of every individual.

Enjoying Participation

We aim to deliver the highest qualty performance in everything we do. Through creativity and innovation we seek to continuously improve our results.

Acting Sustainably
We acting a way that is sustainable for our organization and society. Our decisions take into account the needs of future generations.

"Since its inception in 1948, AIESEC has contributes to the development of society by serving as as agent of positive change through education and cultural exchange."

Kofi Anna (Secretary General) Unites Nations

"AIESEC has admirably met its objective of providing students with the oppurtunity internationally, thus providing students the necessary industrial exposure, so vital to their future careers"

Ratan Tata (Chairman)
Tata Sons

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